Nihilophant. Erotic artist and writer.

Age 87

Joined on 11/21/18

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Nihilophant's News

Posted by Nihilophant - May 7th, 2021

First a bit on semantics. This is postulation, not a theory, just as most conspiracy 'theories' are just postulations or suppositions to explain a selected set of observations.

Ever notice how so many of the child actors and entertainers we all know and love grow up to be psychologically disturbed, warped, deranged, substance abusers, and generally dysfunctional? Not only that, they all share some odd features, such as puffy faces (cherubic), pronounced foreheads, squeaky or cracked voices, and stunted growth (short stature)?

Some examples are:

Michael Jackson

Elliot (formerly Ellen) Page

Haley Joel Osment

Jake Lloyd (Anakin Skywalker)

Drew Berrymore

Heather O'Rourke (the girl from the original Poltergeist)

Cory Feldman

Cory Haim

Gary Coleman

Macaulay Culkin

Jennifer Lawrence

I could go on. Obviously you can think of lots of examples that do not fit with my theory, however, many still do that I would say is statistically significant.

My theory is that their parents and/or agents give these kids hormone treatments or puberty blockers that essentially destroy their natural development. This would lead to the characteristics I lay out earlier.

You could say a lot of people in hollywood get fillers injected in their face to give they a more youthful appearance to give them more career opportunities, however, in the case of the men, during their twenties, it wouldn't seem necessary.

I don't believe Gary Coleman had an actual congenital disorder/genetic disease that caused his physical development to be permanently halted. I believe his parents gave him synthetic hormones and puberty blockers, for all intents and purposes, chemically castrating him. It caused him to remain very small and toddler-like despite developing intellectually at a normal rate. I have no proof of this and make no assertion of this being true for Coleman or any of the actors I listed. This is just a postulation.

There are also a theme of tragic death among many child actors/entertainers.

Heather O'Rourke is one especially disturbing one. You can look up the strange and horrible details about her life and death.

Of course, a great number of them were actually sexually abused and/or raped by people in the entertainment industry. For me, that makes Hollywood's present far more scandalous and evil than anything that happened in that geographical region's history.

I don't completely believe in the Pizza Gate narrative, but I do think some of its bullet points are not controversial at all.

A segment of the entertainment industry systematically scouts, procures, grooms, and engineers children, as young as infants, to become the sexual recreation for a ring of loosely associated rapists and sadists. They aren't a formally-organized group with secret decoder rings that worship Molek at the Bohemian Grove, they are more like John Podesta. They just knew people who knew people, they share winks and nods, dog whistles and coded language, they find each other the way homosexuals used to find each other in the 1930's. Not explicitly announcing their proclivities in the open, but just dropping hints.

I'm not making this shit up. There are MANY proven instances of exactly what I'm talking about, and if even sometimes involved high level government officials. Obviously the Clintons are involved, but so is the CIA, Harvey Weinstein, etc.

The child actor rabbit holes all connect to a number of other nightmarish rabbit holes, and at a central chamber resides a deep hidden truth we wont be allowed to know about until a total upheaval/overthrow of governments around the world.

My suspicion is that central banks, hollywood executives and producers, many royalty and high level politicians, intelligence agents, financiers and stock market speculators, churches, and entire government agencies are loosely collaborating and/or enabling the systematic procurement and rape, torture, and ritualistic murder of tens of thousands of children world-wide.

The established fact is that children are far more likely to be brutalized or raped by an immediate family member than by a shadowy cabal of elites. The vast majority of cases of reported missing children are resolved (many self-resolved) within 48 hours. Most kidnapping of children is perpetrated by disgruntled parents in messy divorces. There is also far more sexual abuse happening to children in public schools than in the Catholic Church (despite what the media chooses to omit from the zeitgeist), and a lot of children sexually abuse each other.

There are also a lot of child actors who grow up happy and well-adjusted, or perhaps only mildly neurotic.



Posted by Nihilophant - October 30th, 2020

Democracy Is Stupid

There’s this grotesque assertion that democracy is some kind of shining accomplishment of humanity. Like it’s the top of the ladder to civilization or the requisite for a free society. This is only a short list of why democracy is actually terrible and barbaric:

Tyranny By Majority

By definition, if 51% of the population votes to enslave 49% of the population, then that is functionally democracy. I know it’s not the ‘spirit’ of democracy and that supposedly a bill of rights that limits the power of the government from drafting and signing laws should also be in place, but that too has many of its own problems. Especially since there is no meaningful respect to a constitution shown by its policy makers. All it takes is for something to be popular for it to justify the initiation of violence/coercion against peaceful people. To seize property, imprison people, kill people, go to war, commit atrocities, torture, enslave, etc. This is not hyperbole. This is historical fact.

The Majority Is Of Average Intelligence

It is my contention that the vast majority of people are incapable of thinking critically and rationally about most issues. Not only are they uninformed, they are often starting from a philosophically hollow foundation. Of people who vote, most of their voting decisions are based upon emotional interpretations of character informed by the advertisements, their personal preferences which may or may not be based on self-interest or the interest of some greater good, are single-issue voters, or are just totally misinformed about what the candidate they support even stands for. If you ask people what they believe and why they believe it you quickly see how shallow the reasoning behind their voting decisions really are. Simplistic platitudes and talking points parroted from cable news or the blatant bias of journalists. People vote based on the most superficial criteria like race, gender, religion, or personality. They can’t really even articulate why they believe what they believe in, they are just casting a ballot more out of a team/tribe sentiment. Perhaps some people reading this might have a deep and intricate moral and economic philosophy that is the basis of their voting decisions, but they are almost certainly all fallacious or at best internally inconsistent, at worst they are based on purely subjective personal preference.

Apathy Reigns

The plurality of eligible voters vote for nobody, and yet somebody ends up seizing office. This is not the true ‘spirit’ of democracy in my view. If the majority of voters wanted neither, then neither should be in office. It should be settled then and there but somehow a minority of people get their way. 

Politicians Are Professional Deceivers

Politicians employ a wide variety of cognitive, linguistic, visual, gestural, and rhetorical devices to contort a dialog about how to best extort people’s money and what to squander it on. They call it “taxation”, but make no mistake, it’s flat out extortion. They use focus groups, marketing, memetic engineering, data mining, astro turf/bot nets, and just plain old bribery (welfare) to gear ads and speeches that will garner votes.

The Popular Vote Isn’t Even Relevant

The popular vote counts within a county/zone/prefect, but above that it’s only counties/zones/prefects that are being counted. Some counties/zone/prefects are weighted differently in what is known in the US as The Electoral College. It means there can be circumstances where despite the fact that a candidate loses the popular vote they can still win the Electoral College, which has happened several times now.

Culture And Commerce Improves Life, Government Retards or Destroys Life

Of the phenomenon that influences your day to day life, nothing is more significant than Culture and Commerce. Two things that the government cannot take credit for. If Donald Drumpf or Barry Obama claims that their policies helped the economy, it’s a lie. At best, a politician can only say they interfered the least and thus fostered the prosperity in a market by not meddling in it.

I do understand that progressives and marxists will assert that prosperity should be redistributed through government programs/welfare but my point is that the government itself does not create wealth, at best is can only redistribute it. And wealth is not merely the currency that is exchanged, but the products and services created by the market. Wealth is also represented by things like cars, refrigerators, telecommunications/smartphones, entertainment, electronics, shoes, vacations, fine dining, sports, games, washing machines, etc. It is through culture and commerce that the reduction in cost and increasing availability of these products/services has everything to do with market innovation and technological advancements and nothing to do with decrees from government.

The generosity of America isn’t a result of welfare, it’s despite welfare. There is a constant outpouring of voluntary charity given by Americans to a thousand different causes. Be it shelter, food, clothing, bicycles, medical care, end of life/hospice care, prescriptions, corrective lenses, books, shoes, or even cash money. Americans do a lot to help improve things locally and globally. The increased popularity of farmer’s markets, non-gmos, cruelty-free foods, fair trade/fair labor goods, and genre-based media/art/games is all to do with cultural shifts and nothing to do with decrees from on high.

The government on the other hand extorts money and uses a significant portion of it to kill people for no rational justification.

The most important vote you can make is with how you spend your money. But the beautiful thing about commerce and culture is regardless of how unpopular something is you still get to enjoy it on your own without having to inflict it upon other people.

“It’s A Bad System, But It’s The Best We’ve Got. What’s The Alternative?”

This is the kind of thinking that needs to be dispelled. There is no answer to this question, because the question itself is wrong. There is this presumption that a system is somehow necessary. That the necessity of a ‘system’ is a given. It isn’t.

In game theory, biochemistry, economics, sociology, anthropology, it is recognized that systems of many independent agents with independent drives/incentives can self-organize and self-assemble into coherent super structures, organisms, crystals, polymers, corporations. We see it over and over again in nature, in society, in tribal culture, in animals, micro organisms, and even at the subatomic level. Atoms bond according to a supply and demand of electrons. They share, driven only by their affinities which are only defined by what we call the ‘laws’ of physics, not because they voted on it, not because there’s a police force that enforces a set of laws.

Voluntaryism is the key to civilization. We can have a maximal prosperity and opportunity of action for a maximal number of people if we just stop initiating violence against peaceful people. Abandon the arcane systems of violence and destruction. Compliance under threat of force is not voluntary. If you want to help people or protect people, stop relying on violent thugs in magical uniforms to extort the wealth of others.

When your plan is to resort to violence when you fail to persuade someone to follow your bidding, could it ever have really been called "civilization" to begin with?

“How is that Achievable?”

There are many independent strategies proposed. Agorism is seen as the most peaceful though tricky to implement. It subverts the scheme of taxation through legal loopholes. It also sidesteps any of the occupational licencing or certification requirements by simply not dealing in money and instead bartering with exchanges of services facilitated by social media or other apps.

There’s The Free State Project that is attempting to concentrate the electoral power into the hands of libertarian-minded voters with the intent of shrinking the government to something like a Night Watchman government (and perhaps down the line transitioning to a stateless society that might spread virally to other territories, like a CRISPR gene-editing virus that cures cancer).

There’s also a strategy to privatize public services without government contracts to the point where the state becomes irrelevant. Cities like Gurgaon (Gurugram) India or Taiwan has totally transformed a region that was once baron into sparkling metropolises with high standard of living and high median income because of private local and foreign investment in business. They operate almost like a Zomia except they have high-tech infrastructure and services. While these kinds of businesses might not necessarily operate strictly legally, they can afford to finance courtroom battles through crowd-sourced private arbitration.

The Bounty Economy or what is more popularly known as “The Sharing Economy” and “Crowd Sourcing” has disrupted much of the low-level cronyism in things like taxis through ride-sharing apps. The unions and lobbyists fight vigorously and dirty to block the Bounty Economy from doing business, often times by bribing police to harass people.

Memetic Engineering is an over-looked and underrated method for achieving a change in culture. By simply reblogging or retweeting an idea, you are potentially inoculating people’s consciousness against bad ideas. They can be debated, but in a free market of ideas, so long as you avoid using dehumanizing language, the better ideas always win. Logic and evidence is on the side of peace.



Posted by Nihilophant - August 25th, 2020

Ever thought about ending your own life? Perhaps not out of sadness but for pragmatic reasons such as in the event of a persistent vegetative state, end of life care (hospice care), medical care instructions (such as 'do not resuscitate' orders), etc.

And what about just sadness? What about a person whom, for the most part might be completely physically healthy but for some reason wants desperately to end it all?

Most people like to assert blindly that these kinds of people need therapy or to be on medication. Some people, perhaps meaning well or just out of intellectual laziness, assert that these kinds of people need to 'make a change' or some list of 'decision.' Even as stupid as 'just think positively.' It's all entirely meaningless, not thought out or given serious deep consideration, and lacking any and all empathy.

There is nothing wrong with these kinds of people. They are not sick. They are not unwell. They don't have a 'chemical imbalance.' There is no such fucking thing as a 'chemical imbalance.'

There is a basis for this assertion that 'chemical imbalance' is a nonsense term. You may ask an actual neurologist and they will tell you there is no generally agreed-upon definition to this phrase 'chemical imbalance.'

As for therapy (Psychiatric Therapy or "Talk Therapy") or cognitive behavioral therapy, there is no real scientific basis for this either. No efficacy, no falsifiability, no predictive power. There are definitely many studies and experiments documented in journals, but you'll go insane trying to find any that as based on a falsifiable claim. It is, in a word, a SCAM.

Regardless, as many have suspected, and rightly so, depression is not a disease or a mental illness.

It's a natural reaction for those who recognize the insanity of the current state of the world.

We are all being brainwashed and conditioned, from early childhood, to believe that everything is okay. That everything is perfectly fine. That it's all going according to plan. Or, the media might even agree with you that things are fucked up, but as long as you believe the prescribed orthodoxy then we can effect change through committee action and democracy! Or a cult might tell you that you're being oppressed by capitalism, or Satan, or homosexuality, or drug addiction, or gambling, etc.

You might hear people say "Depression is a choice you make. You have to realize what you want and go strive to reach for it. No one else is going to give it to you."

But wait a second, idiot. What if, dummy, you're the one standing in the way of my desire to live? Hey, retard, maybe the reason we want to die is because of jackasses like *you* (everyone else) standing idly by, impotently disenfranchising everyone around them by cosigning the systematic imprisonment and slavery of the entire world through a cult that derives all its authority from violence, i.e. The State.

Animals that live their entire lives surviving day to day, never knowing if they'll eat again, running from predators, living outside, don't suffer from depression. When you cage them, electrocute them randomly, and give them no capacity to effect meaningful control of their life by ANY means, they curl into the corner and stop eating, or gnaw their abdomen until they disembowel themselves.

Suicidal people have no control over their life. There is no narrative about their future that they can actually imagine being real. They don't see themselves as viable members of society unless they cast PERFECTLY into a role assigned to them by a social engineer (student councilor or career councilor).

Can't imagine a life in a house with a white picket fence, a wife/husband, 3.2 kids, two car garage?

What? Does the sound of working off debt for your entire life sound awful? What the heck is wrong with you? You must be mentally ill. You need medication!

Can't imagine working in the same place, perhaps seeing nominal 'progress' (increasing wages), just to afford a vacation once a year to go travel (as though physically being in a different places equates to happiness) or take your children to amusement parks while you tell yourself "this is what its all about" when deep down you definitely know that's not even kind-of true?


Violence, riots, protests, counter-protests, police brutality, forest fires, extinction, climate change, pandemic, invasive species, unemployment, healthcare, drug addiction

(no mention of war, no mention of debt, no mention of the fact that the product of your labor is stolen from you constantly to feed those two previously mentioned parasites)

And now a word from our sponsor: Anti-Depressants

Posted by Nihilophant - December 25th, 2019

Why are so many people infuriated by them?

Anything that could be a source of deriving attention from the masses might be exploited by certain groups of people who did not earn it by merit will stir rage and anger. If for decades, lonely, single, unattractive men had been toiling in cultivating their own hobby and interest in gaming for the pure joy of it which would later on become a billion-dollar industry, then suddenly, out of nowhere, droves of women who never showed interest in the subject prior, or showed only pedestrian interest on occasion, seized the spotlight as mere amateurs, garnering an equivalent (or even greater) level of attention and monetary reward, having participated in none of the ground-level work to build it up, and often times not even doing The Thing that is central to the culture, it should serve as no surprise that the founders, participants, and spectators would be extremely angry.

That women who are totally without merit should suddenly step in, having not paid their dues, to just rake in a significant share of rewards just because they show their body, their cleavage, their ass, and face.

And their response when someone points this out is to act indignant? Which only further infuriates the true veterans.

The gal of these women to stroll in off the street and take the main stage without having to suffer and sacrifice the way the hobbyists suffered and sacrificed. Spending long hours obsessing over improvement in their performance of games. Like a chess player that becomes a league champion. Then suddenly some random girl demands a trophy for- her personality and charm?

"I'm just as valid. Why do you care if I use a face cam? You're just an incel who's mad because you can't have me."

Well no, they are frustrated because you stole the prestige of the professional gamers having no skill and having paid none of the dues. Videogames have become a professional sport with the top players making million dollar brand deals and you've usurped that grandeur, meanwhile, as they were in obscurity toiling to cultivate the sport into what it is today, these women who call themselves "gamers" mocked and belittled them.

"Ew, you spend 8 hours a day playing video games? LOL what a loser!"

The natural and appropriate reaction for these men should be disdain and frustration.

It's not so much that there isn't enough success and fortune to go around. It's not that the most elite and esteemed players must share the champion circle with these frauds who couldn't perform on the same level if their life depended on it (because they were too busy taking the perfect selfie), it's that the amateurs coming into the field who are legitimately trying to break into the champion's circle must compete with maximal effort for the subs that these women garner with almost no effort.

So yes, the natural and appropriate reaction for these men should be disdain and frustration, if you were ever actually confused.

"I really am a gamer girl. I really do play video games."

Okay but no. Just because you play video games doesn't make you a "gamer". A "Gamer" is someone who plays competitively at a high level and makes serious attempts to at least qualify in regional tournaments if not rank in the top 128. You are a "Casual" or an "Enthusiast" and at best a "Spectator." You are not a real gamer. Sorry.

Spectators watch the sport for the game play. Boys watch fake gamer girls for the same reason boys go to a strip club. They want to be lied to and will part with their money to feel like an attractive girl likes them.

So let's get rid of the pretense. If a girl wants to get attention and money, being a cam girl is perfectly legitimate. Get on chaturbate and sweet talk the fans into giving you tokens.

But no, they don't merely want to be a cam girl, they want to take the title of being a Twitch Streamer because of the prestige it holds. It means you're an influencer. It means you can get paid to be more than just a pretty face. But that's the problem isn't it? To actually be skilled requires more than just being pretty, it requires thousands of hours dedicated single-mindedly to being the best player. Not merely participating in it and streaming it. No, you're not a NASCAR driver just because you can drive a car. So you're not a gamer girl just because you stream yourself playing tetris 99.


Posted by Nihilophant - December 5th, 2018

Currently (as of 05-December-2018) commissions are  closed.

It's currently very difficult for me to schedule commissions outside of patreon rewards for the time being. If you want a sketch or other higher quality art done your best bet is to join patreon and pledge to a tier where you can get a sketch reward.

I don’t do unpaid requests. I simply don’t have the time to do work for free.

Anyone who commissions art work will also receive any patreon exclusives.


Read the price listings below if you are interested in acquiring a custom work of art. You can message me directly through newgrounds or twitter to place yourself in queue. Please provide your email address and a description of what you’d like and I’ll get back to you usually within the day. By paying the invoice you agree to the terms and conditions below.

Note: A patron paying for a commission will not receive any hard copy or physical art work, only a digital copy in the form of JPEG or PNG or other digital file. By paying the invoice the patron has no expectation of a hard copy or physical print/painting. Deliveries are not required for a non-physical digital image. Work is received via email or available to download on the blog. 

Any commission one purchases will be available for public viewing on my tumblr and twitter.

Also, you must be age 18 years old or older to commission erotic art.

For any commission under 45 USD there is an additional 1 USD fee for payment processes. 

>>>>—-Price Listings—-<<<<

Social Media Avatar/User Icon (200x200p)

10.00 USD for a black and white drawing to your specification
20.00 USD for a color icon to your specifications

Banner Art/Cover Art (800x400p)

Base price is 20.00 USD +20.00 USD per hour worked (10 per half hour), I can sketch cover art/banner art for your social media front page. It can include characters/figures, lettering (note, I am not a skilled calligrapher or graffiti artists), faces, or background scenery. The base price covers the time for you to review preliminary drafts.

Black and White sketches (1500x1000p)

7.50 USD per figure/character* 
30.00 USD for five figures/characters*
85.00 USD for fifteen figures* (*Figures can be distributed over multiple images)
Edges may be jagged/aliased

Color sketches (1200x800p)

Starting at 20 USD per figure/character up to 30 USD for more intricately-designed characters or characters that are very unfamiliar to me.
Edges may be jagged/aliased.

Refined Color digital painting (1200x800p)

Starting at 55 USD for one character up to 75 for intricate designs (elaborate costumes, embossed details, embroidery, drapery, etc.) or characters with difficult aspects/attributes to render. 
+45 to 65 per additional character
+7 USD for a simple background or
+35 for your characters to be placed in nicely rendered environment

Refined color digital painting will have one primary lighting source and perhaps a secondary reflected light from the floor or other surface. Edges of foreground objects/characters will be clean and smooth.

Poster Quality digital painting (1728x2592p)

Starting at 400 USD, 100 USD upfront for the preliminary/planning sketches. Minimum 300 for each additional figure. Indeed it’s expensive but it’s an enormous amount of work that I am probably undercharging for. 

An example can be viewed here http://imgur.com/uus8vKY a piece that took me about 50 hours total to complete.

Standard is 300 DPI. Poster quality images may take extensive planning and discussion through email or messaging. Once the upfront payment is made I will send you preliminary set of sketches to see if they match your specifications. Once you agree to a final sketch you will need to make the payment of the outstanding balance for coloring work to begin. Progress updates will be sent to the patron upon request or at each juncture of the process. Poster Quality digital paintings may take several weeks to more than a month to complete depending on the complexity.

Any likenesses of characters or real people will require you to provide numerous photo reference sources. 

Restrictions and Prohibitions (Will Not Do)

-Children or characters that can be perceived to be younger than 18 or have the likeness of an actual person (living or posthumous) that is under the age of 18
-Scat, urine, vomit
-Blood, gore, mutilation, or death

Conditions and Terms

Refined sketches and Color Sketches will not have any special multiple lighting effects/shadows or backgrounds. Time taken per figure is intended to be under an hour. The level of detail will vary.

Refined Color digital paintings are like what you see in my comic series AYLIUMS and Nun’s Corruption and may have multiple lighting sources. You may request specific dimensions for the image size but the limit is 1200X1200p.

Supreme Quality digital paintings may have atmospheric effects, special multi-source lighting/shadows, water, reflections, and other distortion effects. 

Payment details are agreed upon through email correspondence and it is explicitly understood by the patron upon the delivery of the finished work that there are no refunds. Also, this bears repeating, there is no hard-copy (physical painting or drawing) of the art the patron is paying for, only a digital file. If a patron is dissatisfied with the completed work they are encouraged to request additional work, within reason, be done on the art work in question at no extra cost. Prior to payment, a patron will be given rough preliminary sketches to review and determine that the poses, action, and composition is satisfactory prior to sending payment.. Work on completion of the painting will not begin until after payment is received in full. While creating art is labor/time intensive there is no guarantee of how long it may take. Typically, a single figure in a refined color digital painting takes 2 to 3 days but additional figures will only add about 1 day per figure. Bigger commissions will obviously take longer. You can expect to be updated periodically (usually every couple days if it’s a large commission) on progress or email requests to see progress to reassure good faith in the transaction. If for some reason you do not receive some kind of update on the progress for a period longer than 5 days just email me or message me. If after another 5 days I still do not respond I encourage you to seek a payment dispute. Thus far in all the years I’ve been doing this I’ve never had a dispute filed against me. Also understand that I do work a full time job besides being an artist. By paying the invoice it means you have read and agreed to these terms and conditions.

All characters/figures depicted in my artwork are age 18 years old or older and because they are artistic renderings/depictions drawn/painted by hand from the mind of the creator and do not actually exist they are exempt from the Title 18 U.S.C. §2257(h)(2)(B)(v) and 47 U.S.C. §230© requirements.

DMCA Fair Use disclaimer

Any characters/figures that have the likeness of a public person (such as a famous actor) alive or dead, or has the likeness of an existing intellectual property (such as a famous cartoon character) is not intended to slander, defame, deprive, confuse with the original, or otherwise infringe any copyrights. These are drawings/paintings that are parodies protected as fair use under DMCA that meet the four factors of fair use.

Please keep in mind that any works based on the designs of existing characters of fiction are parody and adhere to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. False or malicious DMCA infringement/take down claims in an attempt to censor the artist being claimed against or abuse the DMCA to extort or punish the artist being claimed against is illegal and actionable.

I encourage other artists to copy and paste this page as the template for their terms and conditions.

Posted by Nihilophant - November 21st, 2018

Tumblr is shitting the bed so I'm looking at my options.