Ever thought about ending your own life? Perhaps not out of sadness but for pragmatic reasons such as in the event of a persistent vegetative state, end of life care (hospice care), medical care instructions (such as 'do not resuscitate' orders), etc.
And what about just sadness? What about a person whom, for the most part might be completely physically healthy but for some reason wants desperately to end it all?
Most people like to assert blindly that these kinds of people need therapy or to be on medication. Some people, perhaps meaning well or just out of intellectual laziness, assert that these kinds of people need to 'make a change' or some list of 'decision.' Even as stupid as 'just think positively.' It's all entirely meaningless, not thought out or given serious deep consideration, and lacking any and all empathy.
There is nothing wrong with these kinds of people. They are not sick. They are not unwell. They don't have a 'chemical imbalance.' There is no such fucking thing as a 'chemical imbalance.'
There is a basis for this assertion that 'chemical imbalance' is a nonsense term. You may ask an actual neurologist and they will tell you there is no generally agreed-upon definition to this phrase 'chemical imbalance.'
As for therapy (Psychiatric Therapy or "Talk Therapy") or cognitive behavioral therapy, there is no real scientific basis for this either. No efficacy, no falsifiability, no predictive power. There are definitely many studies and experiments documented in journals, but you'll go insane trying to find any that as based on a falsifiable claim. It is, in a word, a SCAM.
Regardless, as many have suspected, and rightly so, depression is not a disease or a mental illness.
It's a natural reaction for those who recognize the insanity of the current state of the world.
We are all being brainwashed and conditioned, from early childhood, to believe that everything is okay. That everything is perfectly fine. That it's all going according to plan. Or, the media might even agree with you that things are fucked up, but as long as you believe the prescribed orthodoxy then we can effect change through committee action and democracy! Or a cult might tell you that you're being oppressed by capitalism, or Satan, or homosexuality, or drug addiction, or gambling, etc.
You might hear people say "Depression is a choice you make. You have to realize what you want and go strive to reach for it. No one else is going to give it to you."
But wait a second, idiot. What if, dummy, you're the one standing in the way of my desire to live? Hey, retard, maybe the reason we want to die is because of jackasses like *you* (everyone else) standing idly by, impotently disenfranchising everyone around them by cosigning the systematic imprisonment and slavery of the entire world through a cult that derives all its authority from violence, i.e. The State.
Animals that live their entire lives surviving day to day, never knowing if they'll eat again, running from predators, living outside, don't suffer from depression. When you cage them, electrocute them randomly, and give them no capacity to effect meaningful control of their life by ANY means, they curl into the corner and stop eating, or gnaw their abdomen until they disembowel themselves.
Suicidal people have no control over their life. There is no narrative about their future that they can actually imagine being real. They don't see themselves as viable members of society unless they cast PERFECTLY into a role assigned to them by a social engineer (student councilor or career councilor).
Can't imagine a life in a house with a white picket fence, a wife/husband, 3.2 kids, two car garage?
What? Does the sound of working off debt for your entire life sound awful? What the heck is wrong with you? You must be mentally ill. You need medication!
Can't imagine working in the same place, perhaps seeing nominal 'progress' (increasing wages), just to afford a vacation once a year to go travel (as though physically being in a different places equates to happiness) or take your children to amusement parks while you tell yourself "this is what its all about" when deep down you definitely know that's not even kind-of true?
Violence, riots, protests, counter-protests, police brutality, forest fires, extinction, climate change, pandemic, invasive species, unemployment, healthcare, drug addiction
(no mention of war, no mention of debt, no mention of the fact that the product of your labor is stolen from you constantly to feed those two previously mentioned parasites)
And now a word from our sponsor: Anti-Depressants