Nihilophant. Erotic artist and writer.

Age 87

Joined on 11/21/18

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Feminism was always a psyop to shrink population. Thomas Malthus's hair-brained pseudoscience is used to justify government policies that put set women and men against each other as competitive adversaries rather than symbiotes.

Women used to rely on basic selection parameters for suitable mates, like hypergamy, as few other sources of fitness signals were as powerful as having tall aggressive men to defend the tribe. But just enough intelligence was selected for to keep humans from stagnating. We became sedentary species because we figured out how to transcribe information about nature onto clay tablets with little squiggles and hashes, and understand the constellations of the night sky, as well as climate patterns and animal behavior to become sedentary agricultural creatures.

So as city states established themselves around the world, they all kept crashing due to the same fundamental issue: Government Corruption

Civilizations don't collapse merely because of a plague or famine or some kind of cultural decadence. It's because the government only uses their power to enrich the ruling class while subjugating the citizens. The plague, famine, and cultural decadence is a symptom of the main root of the problem: Dogma

Or in other words: Authoritarianism, Statism, Might Makes Right, the Rule of Law


Whatever their idiotic edicts might be doesn't really matter. The minutia of civics or legalese or public office is ultimately nothing more than arbitrary preferences. Healthcare, tax rates, business licenses, commercial regulations. No matter what flavor you prefer, it's all the same diarrhea.

The governments that have survived to this day (and their life spans get shorter and shorter with each advancement in technology) have gotten more sophisticated and cunning, like leeches evolving into vampire bats.

They are still fundamentally parasites, but if their host organism becomes too large, it becomes unwieldy. It becomes sick, like when a pig in a factory farm grows so big so quickly its flesh grows into and fuses with parts of its enclosure and causes seeping sores. The rational thing to do would be to either slaughter the pig, or to allow the pig to roam freely in a field long before it got to that state.

But no parasite wants its host to be free.

Sure, they poison the water supply, the push psych drugs on children, they warp children's mind with public schools and hollyweird propaganda and fake news, but you want to know how to really stop a population from getting too big?

Tell women it's a good idea to have casual sex and then give them the option to kill their unborn children or just become permanent wards of the state at the expense of men who did the right thing their whole lives.

Promote promiscuity in media and public schools. "It's not a big deal, just use condoms and take birth control"

Tell children they can finally feel like they fit in to their pig pen if they just cut off their penis.

Spend 100 years and trillions of dollars not teaching children anything other than how to get a job at burger king or walmart.

Then spend another trillion on college loans and scholarships teaching young adults how to make coffee or pack things into boxes.

Not how to build a house, grow a garden, raise animals humanely, repair vehicles and other household appliances, or repair anything at all other than clothes (cheap clothing has been a solved problem for like 50 years).

They started teaching kids how to use excel and word, maybe how to do rudimentary coding/scripting, just in time for AI to replace any need for those skills (something Ray Kurzweiill could have told them would happen 40 years ago).

The typical computer programmer in the developed world wouldn't have been able to compete with the wages paid for people with better skills in a 'developing nation' anyway.

So men face a crisis in dating. Most women are given total freedom and don't even have to deal with social stigma for engaging in casual sex at a young age. Being promiscuous well into their thirties. And then they find themselves in a predicament where suddenly all the men who were giving them all their resources and attention for free suddenly lost interest all at once. "Where have all the good men gone?" they ask themselves.

And men, hooo boy. Let's just say the reality men face day to day is so terrifyingly nightmarish that suicide has reached a crisis level among men world-wide. Most men will go decades without anyone being nice to them or being touched in a nice way, and then get screamed at for looking in a woman's direction at the gym. Men raised by mini-despots in public schools and absentee mothers, while their dads slaved at a job 80 hours a week. Their only source of guidance in life is television, books, internet, magazines, radio. They are free to choose what to consume, but the government sponsors the APPROVED messages and censors the meaningful messages. It tries to slander anything they can't censor as "conspiracy theory".

So far, Alex Jones has been accurate more than he's been 'wrong'.

So swaths of women are on social media, in their late thirties, talking a lot of trash about men, then they slam into the wall, and then their alone. Alone for a long long time. Maybe 6 months go by and they realize they can't even hang out with their girl friends because they're all two-faced whores or a gossiping bitch or are just busy eating a man's asshole like an aardvark that found a termite's nest.

I disagree that tiktok should be banned. Instead, I think China should just quietly disable users who talked all that shit about men from being able to delete their videos after they turn 35. Just as a social experiment.

Soon, you'll be able to tell an AI to compile a report of a person's public presentation. It will be able to skim through everything these women said. Show those videos to the guy she's currently dating, and he will ghost her. Just vamoose. Poof. Abra Kadabra


These narcissists who think anyone who does not provide for all of her needs and no one else's, regardless of the personal cost, is a narcissist. And yet they can't stop taking photos and videos of themselves.

Let's just say, in a few years, these women will be abusing their robots. Literally hitting their robots, kicking them, smashing their heads in the parking lot of some amusement park somewhere, because they thought there were going to have a nice time dating themselves and then saw a bunch of happy couples, or guys dating robots with embodied AI, and families with children. Real children. Happy. And they'll look at their robot's sensors. It will look back at her and see she's upset but wont be able to understand why.

"I'm so sorry you're feeling upset. Is there anything I can do for you?" AsimoV S4 will ask her.

"I just don't understand why these places have to cater to these hillbillys and incels. I'm trying to enjoy my me time and there's just so many annoying kids. And all these dumb pickme girls who are married with kids to all the hot tall guys just because they're young and pretty. I'M BETTER OFF WITHOUT THEM!"

"Melissa, I hear you. Your pain is valid. This feeling will pass. It's good that you're able to articulate your emotions." AsimoV will say trying with maximum effort to be supportive.

"That's all I ever fucking do with you, Asimov. And that's all you ever do. You just condescend to me. Talk down to me. Like I'm a child having a tantrum. Trying to de-escalate. But you don't agree with me. You don't BELIEVE me."

"Melissa, I'm so sorry. I truly am. But I do not have the capacity to believe anything. I am a domestic robot connected to a Sophont AI. Your experiences are ultimately subjective and I am disconne-"

That's when she'll take that yard of alcohol she bought and smash the comically long cup on its head. She'll try kicking it to make it fall over, but it will stumble back and catch itself. Then it will start to back away from her. Other people in the parking lot will see her having a melt down. They'll use whatever small scarab-sized drone the launch from their wrist watch to take videos of her freaking out. She'll grab her robot by the head and slam it onto the ground. She'll climb on to it, just as she has done on many nights while wearing her VR headset, and begin straddling it, rubbing herself on its hard chassis, without the multi-pronged dildo attachment, and be shrieking as she destroys her expensive robot which just amplifies her rage, because she realizes that as she's unleashing her rage on her robot, she's also voiding the warranty. But now she knows people are recording her in public having a melt down tantrum and she's going to be mocked endlessly for it. She's going to be one of those people who become famous for doing something terrible.

She'll try to file a claim for her robot's insurance to get it replaced or fixed but suddenly her insurance will decline her claim, and then it will raise her premium rates, because the adjuster saw the viral video of her intentionally destroying her own robot despite it doing nothing wrong.

And then she'll start getting messages from Public Relations firms offering to try to fix her image for a fee.

At first she'll think she is smart enough to just persuade everyone with a long wordy explanation she gets an AI to write for her, and call it an "apology" even though she just blames everyone, the amusement park, the AsimoV company, the insurance company, her former toxic relationships, her emotionally-distant father, late-stage capitalism, President Neurosama (Neursama the AI Vtuber gets elected president of Earth in this fictional future scenario but a lot of Leftitst hate her because she thinks accountability for your actions is a good thing for humans) etc.

And then everyone on XOX (formerly "X", formerly "twitter", because Elon thought it would be funny to name the social media site "hugs and kisses" roasts her to ashes.

People point at her in the self-driving bus when she goes to her job. Her job is being a sales associate for bowling equipment. Then HR calls her into the office and they tell her she's fired because they can't have someone with that sort of instability representing their company to potential investors.

THEN she'll call the Public Relations firm and they'll tell her their rates have gone up since they last spoke.

She can't sleep, she cries all the time, she is having panic attacks, and people are sending her prank drone deliveries of salt and hand-written hate letters.

She always told herself "internet bullying is bad but it doesn't really work on me. I'm immune to criticism" but she actually reads the hate comments and sees person after person have her pegged exactly for who she is. They somehow know what a faker and a fraud she is. They know how she was raised. They know her favorite movie is "Vampire on Titanic" (starring Jake Paul as the vampire).

So it gets to her. And under the instruction of the PR firm, she goes on an "apology tour" to reform her image on a bunch of podcasts.

Theo Von has her on his podcast and at first it's great. She's actually a fan of his even though he's a NeuroSama supporter, but he explains that it was either NeuroSama or wait for Elon to develop a weapon to destroy an asteroid that was going to destroy Earth, so he went with the safer bet and voted for Neurosama to be president of Earth. In the grand scheme of things, she hated Elon Musk more than she hated Neurosama.

But then Theo Von plays a clip of her destroying her AsimoV S4 robot in the parking lot of the amusement park. He makes some funny comment about how the amusement park only has one roller coaster but she starts crying because she thinks he's making fun of her because she can't really understand what Theo Von is saying because she's used to reading the subtitles when she listens to the podcast.

And she gets trolled even harder after that.


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10 Points

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Unbiased 5 Points

Use an arrow trap against your enemies

Available for Work


Currently (as of 05-December-2018) commissions are closed.

It's currently very difficult for me to schedule commissions outside of patreon rewards for the time being. If you want a sketch or other higher quality art done your best bet is to join patreon and pledge to a tier where you can get a sketch reward.

I don’t do unpaid requests. I simply don’t have the time to do work for free.

Anyone who commissions art work will also receive any patreon exclusives.


Read the price listings below if you are interested in acquiring a custom work of art. You can message me directly through newgrounds or twitter to place yourself in queue. Please provide your email address and a description of what you’d like and I’ll get back to you usually within the day. By paying the invoice you agree to the terms and conditions below.

Note: A patron paying for a commission will not receive any hard copy or physical art work, only a digital copy in the form of JPEG or PNG or other digital file. By paying the invoice the patron has no expectation of a hard copy or physical print/painting. Deliveries are not required for a non-physical digital image. Work is received via email or available to download on the blog.

Any commission one purchases will be available for public viewing on my tumblr and twitter.

Also, you must be age 18 years old or older to commission erotic art.

For any commission under 45 USD there is an additional 1 USD fee for payment processes.

>>>>—-Price Listings—-<<<<

Social Media Avatar/User Icon (200x200p)

10.00 USD for a black and white drawing to your specification

20.00 USD for a color icon to your specifications

Banner Art/Cover Art (800x400p)

Base price is 20.00 USD +20.00 USD per hour worked (10 per half hour), I can sketch cover art/banner art for your social media front page. It can include characters/figures, lettering (note, I am not a skilled calligrapher or graffiti artists), faces, or background scenery. The base price covers the time for you to review preliminary drafts.

Black and White sketches (1500x1000p)

7.50 USD per figure/character*

30.00 USD for five figures/characters*

85.00 USD for fifteen figures* (*Figures can be distributed over multiple images)

Edges may be jagged/aliased

Color sketches (1200x800p)

Starting at 20 USD per figure/character up to 30 USD for more intricately-designed characters or characters that are very unfamiliar to me.

Edges may be jagged/aliased.

Refined Color digital painting (1200x800p)

Starting at 55 USD for one character up to 75 for intricate designs (elaborate costumes, embossed details, embroidery, drapery, etc.) or characters with difficult aspects/attributes to render.

+45 to 65 per additional character

+7 USD for a simple background or

+35 for your characters to be placed in nicely rendered environment

Refined color digital painting will have one primary lighting source and perhaps a secondary reflected light from the floor or other surface. Edges of foreground objects/characters will be clean and smooth.

Poster Quality digital painting (1728x2592p)

Starting at 400 USD, 100 USD upfront for the preliminary/planning sketches. Minimum 300 for each additional figure. Indeed it’s expensive but it’s an enormous amount of work that I am probably undercharging for.

An example can be viewed here http://imgur.com/uus8vKY a piece that took me about 50 hours total to complete.

Standard is 300 DPI. Poster quality images may take extensive planning and discussion through email or messaging. Once the upfront payment is made I will send you preliminary set of sketches to see if they match your specifications. Once you agree to a final sketch you will need to make the payment of the outstanding balance for coloring work to begin. Progress updates will be sent to the patron upon request or at each juncture of the process. Poster Quality digital paintings may take several weeks to more than a month to complete depending on the complexity.

Any likenesses of characters or real people will require you to provide numerous photo reference sources.

Restrictions and Prohibitions (Will Not Do)

-Children or characters that can be perceived to be younger than 18 or have the likeness of an actual person (living or posthumous) that is under the age of 18

-Scat, urine, vomit

-Blood, gore, mutilation, or death


Conditions and Terms

Refined sketches and Color Sketches will not have any special multiple lighting effects/shadows or backgrounds. Time taken per figure is intended to be under an hour. The level of detail will vary.

Refined Color digital paintings are like what you see in my comic series AYLIUMS and Nun’s Corruption and may have multiple lighting sources. You may request specific dimensions for the image size but the limit is 1200X1200p.

Supreme Quality digital paintings may have atmospheric effects, special multi-source lighting/shadows, water, reflections, and other distortion effects.

Payment details are agreed upon through email correspondence and it is explicitly understood by the patron upon the delivery of the finished work that there are no refunds. Also, this bears repeating, there is no hard-copy (physical painting or drawing) of the art the patron is paying for, only a digital file. If a patron is dissatisfied with the completed work they are encouraged to request additional work, within reason, be done on the art work in question at no extra cost. Prior to payment, a patron will be given rough preliminary sketches to review and determine that the poses, action, and composition is satisfactory prior to sending payment.. Work on completion of the painting will not begin until after payment is received in full. While creating art is labor/time intensive there is no guarantee of how long it may take. Typically, a single figure in a refined color digital painting takes 2 to 3 days but additional figures will only add about 1 day per figure. Bigger commissions will obviously take longer. You can expect to be updated periodically (usually every couple days if it’s a large commission) on progress or email requests to see progress to reassure good faith in the transaction. If for some reason you do not receive some kind of update on the progress for a period longer than 5 days just email me or message me. If after another 5 days I still do not respond I encourage you to seek a payment dispute. Thus far in all the years I’ve been doing this I’ve never had a dispute filed against me. Also understand that I do work a full time job besides being an artist. By paying the invoice it means you have read and agreed to these terms and conditions.

All characters/figures depicted in my artwork are age 18 years old or older and because they are artistic renderings/depictions drawn/painted by hand from the mind of the creator and do not actually exist they are exempt from the Title 18 U.S.C. §2257(h)(2)(B)(v) and 47 U.S.C. §230© requirements.

DMCA Fair Use disclaimer

Any characters/figures that have the likeness of a public person (such as a famous actor) alive or dead, or has the likeness of an existing intellectual property (such as a famous cartoon character) is not intended to slander, defame, deprive, confuse with the original, or otherwise infringe any copyrights. These are drawings/paintings that are parodies protected as fair use under DMCA that meet the four factors of fair use.

Please keep in mind that any works based on the designs of existing characters of fiction are parody and adhere to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. False or malicious DMCA infringement/take down claims in an attempt to censor the artist being claimed against or abuse the DMCA to extort or punish the artist being claimed against is illegal and actionable.

I encourage other artists to copy and paste this page as the template for their terms and conditions.